Guest conductor in Eindhoven Symphony Orchestra (Holland)

Juan José Navarro will be guest conductor the next May 30 in Eindhoven Symphony Orchestra.

Guest conductor in Kansas City

Juan José Navarro will travel to Kansas City the next may in order to conduct the Kansas City Wind Symphony and The Jewel College University Wind Ensemble, and in order to teach conducting lessons.

Guest conductor in Greensboro and Winston-Salem ( North Caroline)

Juan José Navarro will be guest conductor and conductor  teacher in the University North Caroline Greensboro and in the University North Carolina School of the arts.

Guess conductor in Virginia Tech University Wind Enssemble ( U.S.)

Juan José Navarro will be guess conductor in the Virginia Tech University Wind Enssemble the next 3th December.

Adjudicator in the National Wind Orchestra Competition in South Korea

Juan José Navarro will be adjudicator in the National Wind Orchestra Competition in South Korea from 27th to 31th August.

Guess conductor in Pitesti Philarmonic Orchestra ( Romania)

Juan José Navarro will be guess conductor the next 4th October in Pitesti Philarmonic Orchestra.

Guest Conductor in Craiova , Oltenia Philarmonic Orchestra

Juan José Navarro conducted Oltenia Philarmonic/Craiova as a guest conductor the last Friday 2 ( Frebuary)

Adjudicator at the Certamen de Bandas de la Comunidad Valenciana

Juan José Navarro will be adjudicator at the “Certamen de Bandas de la Comunidad Valenciana”


Juan José Navarro will conducts in E.E.U.U.

Juan José Navarro will conducts in North Carolina and Florida with the Triangle Wind Orchestra and the Florida Gulf Coast University Wind Orchestra.